Thursday, November 5, 2020

Top 5 best Ice cream flavours

 Does it ever happen to you when you want to get an ice cream, but you never know what flavour to get? That usually happens to me too. So since that happens I have decided to review The Creamery's top 5 ice cream flavours (If you didn't know, The Creamery is my favourite ice cream place, I highly recommend it). 

1. Cookie Dough 

It may sound simple and boring but Cookie Dough has been my all time favourite flavour since forever! They always put a lot of cookie crumbs in it and whenever I get it I always get a big chunk of cookies! I rate it a 9.5 out of 10 on the Radness Scale. 

2. Malted Milk

This also sounds like another boring flavour but malted milk is actually quite a yummy flavour. I think its very creamy tasting. But it's quite weird that even if I take the tiniest of bites I always get brain freeze! This doesn't usually happen to me with other flavours, but I rate this flavour a 9 out of 10 on the Radness Scale 

3. Woodstocky Road 

It only became my favourite flavour recently but it just tasted so amazing!!! My favourite thing about it is that it has melted marshmallows inside! My taste buds almost exploded it was so yummy! And the chocolate ice cream was very nice. The one thing I couldn't understand is that I think they put milo or coffee granules inside. But still I rate it 10 out of 10 on the Radness Scale.
4. Milk Tart 

I think Milk Tart was a very yummy flavour, the only thing they could have added more milk tartyness in it. There were milk tart crust bits in it, which is delicious. And it had vanilla ice cream in which was nice. But yes, they definitely could have added more milk tart in. I rate it a 8.5 on the Radness Scale. 

5. Millionaire Shortbread
This flavour was so delicious (just as it sounds) because it had chocolate and caramel in, it had the shortbread taste, it was just so amazingly yummy!!!! I also really loved the look of it. This flavour was so good I don't think I have anything bad to say about it! I rate it a 10 out of 10 on the Radness Scale. 

I hope this review was helpful and if you haven't had a Creamery ice cream go check them out immediately!

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