Saturday, July 31, 2021

Top 5 Best Kruger Sightings

I'm sure we've all been to game reserves. You ALWAYS want to see the rarest things. 3 weeks ago we went to the Kruger National Park and here are some of our favourite sightings. (There's even an extra bonus sighting at the end!) 

1. Cheetahs

We were very lucky to see 2 cheetahs on our trip. We were driving on the Sweni Road when we saw a car alone. Suddenly, 2 cheetahs crossed the road! We were all so excited and we were the only ones that saw it (well other than that one car but they drove away)! Soon the cheetahs walked off into the distance. That was such a lucky sighting so I rate it 10 out of 10 on the Radness Scale. 

2. Wild Dogs 

I think the wild dogs were one of my favourite sightings out of the whole trip. We were on our way to Olifants (the camp) when we stumbled upon a whole lot of cars. I immediately was excited because it had to be something cool. Then my dad spotted 2 wild dogs under a tree. We were taking pictures when another 2 appeared. They stood still for a little bit and then started walking passed the cars. We turned around to catch them but by then they had disappeared into the bush. I rate this sighting 10 out of 10 on the Radness Scale.

3. Sable Antelope 

This was the first Sable Antelope I had ever seen. At first when we saw the car we saw nothing. Then I saw a brown shape in the bush and it turned out to be a Sable! It was standing still for a while and then it jumped into the bushes. We actually also saw another one behind the first one (this was about 3 hours before we saw the 2 cheetahs). I rate this sighting a 9.5 out of 10. 

4. Honey Badger 

When we saw the honey badger it was very lucky because we actually saw it very early in the morning. It was quite close to us but we couldn't get a great picture because of all the grass so we could only see its back. It was still a cool sighting so I rate it an 8.5 out of 10.

5. Leopard
We saw lots of far away leopards but this one was walking on the side of the road and then crossed it. It might only be a 20 second leopard but it was still really cool. Plus we were the only people that saw it! I think it was one of the best leopard sightings that we had so I rate it a 9 out of 10.

Wait!!! Don't go yet! Remember I said that there was a bonus sighting at the end? Well this sighting was one of the sightings that we saw when we went on a Sunset Drive. We saw such great things but my favourite one was.....

Yip that was my favourite sighting were the lions with a cub. There were 3 lionesses and one of them had a cub. They were first on the road but then our massive, loud truck scared them into the bush. At least we could still see them. I really enjoyed this sighting so I rate it a 10 out of 10. 

These were only a few sightings that we saw. Some other animals include multiple lions, an elephant herd drinking, a civet, African wild cat and rhinos being dehorned. This was one of the luckiest trips ever. I hope you enjoyed the blog! 


Top 10 F1 Drivers 2022

  Hi there everyone! Wow it has been a loooooong time since I've posted a blog. Hopefully from now on I'll be posting more often. To...