Friday, November 20, 2020

Facts about the Big Five

I'm sure we all love going to game reserves right? Whenever I go to the Kruger Park there is something I always want to see. You guessed it, The Big Five. So since I love the Big Five so much here are some facts about them. 

1. Lion 

One of my favourite animals, the lion can weigh up to 250kgs! They live in groups called prides and they are believed to have the loudest roar amongst the big cats. I think these animals are very cool so I rate them a 9.5 out of 10 on the Radness Scale. 

2. Elephant 

The African bush elephant can live up to 60 - 70 years and they weigh 6000kgs!!! Their tusks are actually teeth, and calves can stand within 20 minutes of birth. How amazing is that? Their speed is 40km/h and you can tell the African and Asian apart by their ears. Isn't that cool? I rate the elephant a 10 out of 10 on the Radness Scale.

3. Buffalo 

True buffalo only live in Asia and Africa. They are considered an adult when they are only 3 years old! They can live to be 30 years old (I wouldn't really like it if I only lived till I was 30) and they weigh 590kgs as an adult. That's very heavy! I rate the buffalo a 9 out of 10 on the Radness Scale.

4. Rhinoceros 

My favourite animal, the white rhino can live up to 40 - 50 years and they live in groups called a crash. Their speed is 50km/h and they weigh 2300kgs! Did you know that their horn is made from the same stuff as our fingernails? And remember to help save the rhino! I rate them a 10 out of 10 on the Radness Scale. 

5. Leopard 

The leopard can run up to 58km/h and live up to 12 -17 years. Most leopards are light coloured and have dark spots (called rosettes) on their fur. The males weigh 31kgs while the females weigh 23 - 27kgs. They are very strong swimmers and I rate them a 9.5 out of 10 on the Radness Scale.

I hope you enjoyed learning some fun facts about the Big five. 

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