Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Best Gifts to buy (for 7-11 years)

Do you ever have no idea what to buy for someone's birthday? That always happens to me too! So since that usually happens to everyone, here are some ideas (mostly things to buy for kids).  

1. Giotto Kokis

Giotto is a brand that makes cool kokis and they can do all sorts of things. In one of the packs you can draw on T shirts, shoes and more. I think this is a brilliant gift for someone who is artistic and I would highly recommend it. 

2. Yokico Book Safe 

This is a good present for someone who likes to store stuff in a special place. It looks like a book when you see it but when you open it you will see a safe and inside there are keys. This is an awesome gift for storing special treasures and I'm sure most kids would really love one of these. 

3. Minecraft Annual 2020

If you know someone who really likes Minecraft (video game) then this is the book for them. It tells you all about Minecraft for the next year and it is also a really fun activity book. If you were to buy one now for someone, you would have to buy the 2021 book.

4. Lego City

I'm sure everyone loves to play with Lego. This present would be for someone you likes building things. There are so many things that you can build in Lego city. I really enjoyed building a pizza van. I think that everyone would enjoy building Lego, not just people that like building things.

5. Top Trumps

Top Trumps is a very fun card game and has nothing got to do with Donald Trump. You get lots of different topics like Predators, Snakes, Superheroes and more! I recommend it to people that like playing card games. 

I hope this was helpful and you'll buy these gifts for your friends.

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  Hi there everyone! Wow it has been a loooooong time since I've posted a blog. Hopefully from now on I'll be posting more often. To...